6 Packing Tips You Should Know Before Your Move
Looking for some of the best essential packing tips? In this article, we’d like to share a short list of the best advice we can offer when it comes to packing and moving.
- The day of your move, pack a bag with all of your essentials.
At the end of the day when you finally arrive at your new house, chances are you will be exhausted. You will probably be much too exhausted to want to start looking through boxes and finding things that you need. You should have your essentials on-hand to make your life easier. Remember items like work clothes, a clean change of clothes, toiletries, phone charger, laptop, and work shoes.
- Keep valuables close to you so they aren’t lost.
You should transport your most valuable items like electronics, jewelry, and anything that cannot be replaced on you personally, so that you don’t run the risk of losing them. By placing any of these valuable items in a box, you run the risk of having it stolen, misplaced, or lost in the move.
- Use a clear plastic bin to remember where your most important items are.
Items that you will need right off the bat should be placed in a clear bin that is immediately identifiable. You should use this bin to store a box cutter, a roll of paper towels, a roll of trash bags, eating utensils/cookware, power strips, phone chargers, and any other essentials. The clear bin is easily noticeable amongst all of the other plain boxes you used in your move.
- Label your boxes for where they need to go.
After arriving to your new home, your first step will be to bring all of the boxes into the house. Save a lot of time by labeling and organizing boxes according to which room they should be placed in. This saves time because you won’t have to open up each box to see where the items will go and you won’t have to just place all of the boxes in one room and eventually bring them into the correct room.
- Use bags and tape to attach any small parts or cords to their counterpart.
If you have to do any disassembly or assembly, you can use Ziploc bags or grocery bags to manage small parts, screws, cords, etc. Attach these bags to their counterpart so that you know exactly which cords or parts go with which item.
- Give away food and drink to friends/family who help you move.
Have you ever been the one to help your friend or family move? If you have, then you know that it feels great to reap the rewards of free drink and pizza after a long day of moving. Now you can be on the other side of the bargain by being the one who offers up the drink and food to those who help.
Are you in the market for a mover? Lambert Moving Systems is one of the top companies for moving in Alabama, West Georgia, and North Florida. We’ve been around for 90 years. Call us at (334) 745-5706 to get in touch now.
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