Man with child

Grieving Through the Move

Moving can be a very exciting time, but for some, it also causes a sense of anxiety or grief. If this is you, don’t panic! It happens to everyone to some extent, and there are completely healthy ways to deal with the grief of moving. Work through some of the ideas below, and you’ll feel a much better sense of closure when relocating.

It’s okay to be sad! You’ve likely spent several years in your home and made a lot of memories. Relocating can always feel disorienting and strip us of our sense of comfort. Remind yourself that grief over this “loss” is completely normal and that some short period of grief is healthy for anyone leaving their home.

Take pictures to look back on. Snap a few photos of your house and the way you’ve had it set up. This will give you something to look at years down the road when you want to remember “the old house.” It’s also a great way to show your kids the house that they might not remember.

If you have kids, give them appropriate space to grieve. Kids will often have feelings of sadness when moving, but they may not always be able to express it. Try to be sensitive to the fact that they might not know how to express, “I’m sad to be leaving this house,” and it might come out in all sorts of ways. Try to give kids some time and space to process the move, and they’ll be able to cope and have a healthy outlook on moving.

Are you in the market for a mover in Alabama? Lambert Transfer is one of the top companies for moving in Alabama. We’ve been around for 90 years. Call us at (334) 745-5706 to get in touch now.

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